Edition E. Eulenburg

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This is the page to list all the publication(s) under the name of Edition Eulenburg, issued by Ernst Eulenburg Ltd., in London, Zürich, Mainz, New York (and elsewhere). The majority of these scores are in a study-score size (that is, 135*190 mm ca.), with yellow paper covers, while later revisions could be larger. Almost all plate numbers for this series, which forms the vast majority of the Eulenburg catalogue, begin with the prefix "E.E.". Several hundred Eulenburg titles were actually reprinted from study scores originally issued by the publishers Payne and Donajowski, which were sold to Eulenburg in 1891 and 1894 respectively.



Irene Alberti, Wilhelm Altmann, Denis Arnold, Paul Badura-Skoda, Gwilym Beechey, Walter Bergmann, Franz Beyer, Renzo Bossi, Jürgen Braun, Maurice Cauchie, Charles Cudworth, Frank Dawes, Alfred Einstein, Zoltán Falvy, Roger Fiske, Anthony Ford, Rudolf Gerber, Hans Grischkat, Günter Haußwald, Paul Hindemith, Christopher Hogwood, Paul Horn, Viktor Keldorfer, Percival Robson Kirby, Theodor Kroyer, Christa Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins Landon, Simon Launchbury, David Lloyd-Jones, Harry Newstone, Robert Orledge, Bernhard Päuler, Ernst Praetorius, Hans Ferdinand Redlich, William Leonard Reed, Teresa Reichenberger, Stanley Sadie, Arnold Schering, Hans-Hubert Schönzeler, Felix Schroeder, Walter Seifert, Kurt Soldan, Michael Stegemann, Fritz Stein, Richard Sturzenegger, Alan Tyson, Max Unger, Vilém Zemanek


  • London: E. Eulenburg Ltd.
  • Zürich: Edition Eulenburg GmbH
  • Mainz: E. Eulenburg & Co.
  • Stuttgart: Edition Eulenburg K.-G.
  • New York: Edition Eulenburg Inc.



List of Edition Eulenburg



See Also

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